Royal Rangers is a programme that motivates and develops boys and girls spiritually through Bible study and memorisation, devotionals, and Christian role models. We are an outdoor organisation that is driven by the mandate to evangelise, equip and empower boys and girls for Christ.
Our Mission
We are clear what drives us. It is to EVANGELISE to the world, EQUIP the leaders of tomorrow and EMPOWER them to make a difference.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Matthew 28:18-20 (NIV)
How We Are Different
The life of a Royal Ranger includes great outdoor adventures through camping, water activities, hiking, rappelling, and mountain climbing, as well as challenging indoor adventures. There will be opportunities year-round to attend tremendous camping events at the outpost, district, or national levels.
The experience as a Royal Ranger will be one of growth. The Ranger will grow in four ways. Through proper exercise and diet, the body will develop physically. Through prayer, Bible study, and witnessing, there will be spiritual growth. By studying and reading, the mind will grow mentally. And by learning how to treat others, there will be social development.
Dedicated leaders provide direction and guidance during weekly outpost meetings in the local church, which are designed to develop a holistic youth for Christ.
We are divided into separate outpost age groups to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness, while catering to the individual needs of each age group.

Ranger Kids
6-8 years old

Discovery Rangers
9-11 years old

Adventure Rangers
12-14 years old

Expedition Rangers
15-18 years old
Our Methods
The Royal Rangers program utilises seven methods to guide boys and girls on their journey to Christlikeness. The manner in which each method is employed may vary from one church to another according to the style and culture of the church but all seven methods are represented in some way in every outpost.
Building healthy, Christ-centered relationships
Bringing people together around a variety of activities that provide something for everyone
Inviting boys and girls to connect and belong to a community of Christlike men and women
Providing everyone with a pathway for growth and recognition
Growing boys and girls into Christlikeness through a systematic, discipleship process
Developing servant leadership and personal growth within a small group environment
Engaging boys and girls in service to God, their family, church, and community
Our Ideals
The ideals of Royal Rangers represent the core principles by which we are defined. Our ideals are reflected in our pledge, code, motto, and the points of our emblem.
The Royal Rangers Pledge
With God’s help, I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the Ranger Code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.
The Royal Rangers Code
A Royal Ranger is:
ALERT – He is mentally, physically, and spiritually alert
CLEAN – He is clean in body, mind, and speech
HONEST – He does not lie, cheat, or steal
COURAGEOUS – He is brave in spite of danger, criticism, or threats
LOYAL – He is faithful to his church, family, outpost, and friends
COURTEOUS – He is polite, kind, and thoughtful
OBEDIENT – He obeys his parents, leaders, and those in authority
SPIRITUAL – He prays, reads the Bible, and witnesses
The Royal Rangers Motto
“READY” Ready for anything! Ready to work, play, serve, worship, live, and obey God’s Word.
The Golden Rule
In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.
Matthew 7:12 (NIV)
The Points of the Royal Rangers Emblem
The design of the Royal Rangers Emblem is based on the points of a compass to represent the direction and pathway God has given us through His Holy Word. The colours of the points have the following meaning:
Four GOLD points represent the four ways a boy and girl grows
The Royal Rangers program has been designed to help boys and girls grow mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, following the example of Jesus Christ in Luke 2:52.
Four RED points represent the four core beliefs of the Church
Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, and the Second Coming of Christ.
Eight BLUE points represent the eight points of the Royal Rangers Code
A Royal Ranger is Alert, Clean, Honest, Courageous, Loyal, Courteous, Obedient, and Spiritual.
Download a summary of the Royal Rangers ideals which you can print out to learn and teach others.