The Gold Medal of Achievement (“GMA“) is the highest award available to Rangers in the Royal Rangers program. This prestigious award can only be achieved after many years of continuous effort in Royal Rangers.

GMA Award Requirements


Highest Award in Two Age Groups

Discovery Rangers, Adventure Rangers, Expedition Rangers


Read the entire Bible

Or listen to it as an audiobook


Between 14 to 17 years of age

Before reaching 18 years of age


Active member of an outpost for at least 3 years


Complete the GMA Capstone project

Click here for more information

A Royal Ranger may complete the necessary GMA requirements while participating in either the Adventure Rangers or Expedition Rangers program.

Once all requirements have been met, a GMA Application (download here) must be submitted to the National Royal Rangers Malaysia Office through the Senior Commander of your outpost. An interview will be scheduled between the National Office and the GMA applicant.

There are two GMA application cycles that the National Office will follow every year. Details are found in the same form above.

Special Honours with the GMA

Individuals who have met the requirements for the GMA and continue their advancement progress in the program may qualify for additional recognition in the form of the GMA with Merit and the GMA with Honours distinction awards.

  • For the MERIT distinction (GMA with Merit), the Ranger is required to earn the highest award in any THREE age groups.
  • For the HONOURS distinction (GMA with Honours), the Ranger is required to earn the highest award in all FOUR age groups.

Once all requirements have been met, a GMA with Merit & Honours Distinction Award Application (download here) must be submitted to the National Royal Rangers Malaysia Office through the Senior Commander of your outpost.

Download the relevant forms for your GMA application below.